use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use aes::cipher::block_padding::Pkcs7;
use aes::cipher::{BlockDecryptMut, KeyIvInit};
use prost::Message;
use crate::{
configuration::SignalingKey, push_service::ServiceError,
utils::serde_optional_base64, ParseServiceAddressError, ServiceAddress,
pub use crate::proto::Envelope;
impl TryFrom<EnvelopeEntity> for Envelope {
type Error = ParseServiceAddressError;
fn try_from(entity: EnvelopeEntity) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match entity.source_uuid.as_deref() {
Some(uuid) => {
let address = uuid.try_into()?;
Ok(Envelope::new_with_source(entity, address))
None => Ok(Envelope::new_from_entity(entity)),
impl Envelope {
#[tracing::instrument(skip(input, signaling_key), fields(input_size = input.len()))]
pub fn decrypt(
input: &[u8],
signaling_key: Option<&SignalingKey>,
is_signaling_key_encrypted: bool,
) -> Result<Self, ServiceError> {
if !is_signaling_key_encrypted {
tracing::trace!("Envelope::decrypt: not encrypted");
} else {
let signaling_key = signaling_key
.expect("signaling_key required to decrypt envelopes");
tracing::trace!("Envelope::decrypt: decrypting");
if input.len() < VERSION_LENGTH
return Err(ServiceError::InvalidFrameError {
reason: "Unsupported signaling cryptogram version".into(),
let aes_key = &signaling_key[..CIPHER_KEY_SIZE];
let mac_key = &signaling_key[CIPHER_KEY_SIZE..];
let mac = &input[(input.len() - MAC_SIZE)..];
let input_for_mac = &input[..(input.len() - MAC_SIZE)];
let iv = &input[IV_OFFSET..(IV_OFFSET + IV_LENGTH)];
debug_assert_eq!(mac_key.len(), MAC_KEY_SIZE);
debug_assert_eq!(aes_key.len(), CIPHER_KEY_SIZE);
debug_assert_eq!(iv.len(), IV_LENGTH);
use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};
use sha2::Sha256;
let mut verifier = Hmac::<Sha256>::new_from_slice(mac_key)
.expect("Hmac can take any size key");
let our_mac = verifier.finalize().into_bytes();
if &our_mac[..MAC_SIZE] != mac {
return Err(ServiceError::MacError);
let cipher =
cbc::Decryptor::<aes::Aes256>::new(aes_key.into(), iv.into());
let input = &input[CIPHERTEXT_OFFSET..(input.len() - MAC_SIZE)];
let input = cipher
tracing::trace!("Envelope::decrypt: decrypted, decoding");
Ok(Envelope::decode(&input as &[u8])?)
fn new_from_entity(entity: EnvelopeEntity) -> Self {
Envelope {
r#type: Some(entity.r#type),
timestamp: Some(entity.timestamp),
server_timestamp: Some(entity.server_timestamp),
server_guid: entity.source_uuid,
content: entity.content,
fn new_with_source(entity: EnvelopeEntity, source: ServiceAddress) -> Self {
Envelope {
r#type: Some(entity.r#type),
source_device: Some(entity.source_device),
timestamp: Some(entity.timestamp),
server_timestamp: Some(entity.server_timestamp),
source_service_id: Some(source.uuid.to_string()),
content: entity.content,
pub fn is_unidentified_sender(&self) -> bool {
self.r#type() == crate::proto::envelope::Type::UnidentifiedSender
pub fn is_prekey_signal_message(&self) -> bool {
self.r#type() == crate::proto::envelope::Type::PrekeyBundle
pub fn is_receipt(&self) -> bool {
self.r#type() == crate::proto::envelope::Type::Receipt
pub fn is_signal_message(&self) -> bool {
self.r#type() == crate::proto::envelope::Type::Ciphertext
pub fn is_urgent(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_story(&self) -> bool {
pub fn source_address(&self) -> ServiceAddress {
match self.source_service_id.as_deref() {
Some(service_id) => ServiceAddress::try_from(service_id)
.expect("invalid source ProtocolAddress UUID or prefix"),
None => panic!("source_service_id is set"),
pub fn destination_address(&self) -> ServiceAddress {
match self.destination_service_id.as_deref() {
Some(service_id) => ServiceAddress::try_from(service_id)
.expect("invalid destination ProtocolAddress UUID or prefix"),
None => panic!("destination_address is set"),
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct EnvelopeEntity {
pub r#type: i32,
pub timestamp: u64,
pub source: Option<String>,
pub source_uuid: Option<String>,
pub source_device: u32,
pub destination_uuid: Option<String>,
#[serde(default, with = "serde_optional_base64")]
pub content: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pub server_timestamp: u64,
pub guid: String,
#[serde(default = "default_true")]
pub urgent: bool,
pub story: bool,
#[serde(default, with = "serde_optional_base64")]
pub report_spam_token: Option<Vec<u8>>,
fn default_true() -> bool {
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct EnvelopeEntityList {
pub messages: Vec<EnvelopeEntity>,
pub(crate) const SUPPORTED_VERSION: u8 = 1;
pub(crate) const CIPHER_KEY_SIZE: usize = 32;
pub(crate) const MAC_KEY_SIZE: usize = 20;
pub(crate) const MAC_SIZE: usize = 10;
pub(crate) const VERSION_OFFSET: usize = 0;
pub(crate) const VERSION_LENGTH: usize = 1;
pub(crate) const IV_OFFSET: usize = VERSION_OFFSET + VERSION_LENGTH;
pub(crate) const IV_LENGTH: usize = 16;
pub(crate) const CIPHERTEXT_OFFSET: usize = IV_OFFSET + IV_LENGTH;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn decrypt_envelope() {
let body = [
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 32, 12, 100,
26, 157, 130, 210, 254, 174, 87, 45, 238, 126, 68, 39, 188, 171,
156, 16, 10, 138, 233, 73, 202, 52, 125, 102, 121, 182, 71, 148, 8,
3, 134, 149, 154, 67, 116, 40, 146, 253, 242, 196, 139, 203, 14,
174, 254, 78, 27, 47, 108, 60, 202, 60, 42, 210, 242, 58, 13, 185,
67, 147, 166, 191, 71, 164, 128, 81, 177, 199, 147, 252, 162, 229,
143, 98, 141, 222, 46, 83, 109, 82, 196, 109, 161, 40, 108, 207,
82, 53, 162, 205, 171, 33, 140, 5, 74, 76, 150, 22, 122, 176, 189,
228, 176, 234, 176, 13, 118, 181, 134, 35, 133, 164, 160, 205, 176,
32, 188, 185, 166, 73, 24, 164, 20, 187, 2, 226, 186, 238, 98, 57,
51, 76, 156, 83, 113, 72, 184, 50, 220, 49, 138, 46, 36, 4, 49,
215, 66, 173, 58, 139, 187, 6, 252, 97, 191, 69, 246, 82, 48, 177,
11, 149, 168, 93, 15, 170, 125, 131, 101, 103, 253, 177, 165, 71,
85, 219, 207, 106, 12, 58, 47, 159, 33, 243, 107, 6, 117, 141, 209,
115, 207, 19, 236, 137, 195, 230, 167, 225, 172, 99, 204, 113, 125,
69, 125, 97, 252, 90, 248, 198, 175, 240, 187, 246, 164, 220, 102,
7, 224, 124, 28, 170, 6, 4, 137, 155, 233, 85, 125, 93, 119, 97,
183, 114, 193, 10, 184, 191, 202, 109, 97, 116, 194, 152, 40, 46,
202, 49, 195, 138, 14, 2, 255, 44, 107, 160, 45, 150, 6, 78, 145,
let signaling_key = [0u8; 52];
let envelope =
Envelope::decrypt(&body, Some(&signaling_key), true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(envelope.server_timestamp(), 1594373582421);
assert_eq!(envelope.timestamp(), 1594373580977);
51, 10, 33, 5, 239, 254, 183, 191, 204, 223, 85, 150, 43, 192,
240, 57, 46, 189, 153, 7, 48, 17, 9, 166, 185, 157, 205, 181,
66, 235, 99, 221, 114, 58, 187, 117, 16, 76, 24, 0, 34, 160, 1,
85, 61, 73, 83, 99, 213, 160, 109, 122, 125, 204, 137, 178,
237, 146, 87, 183, 107, 33, 213, 234, 64, 152, 132, 122, 173,
25, 33, 4, 65, 20, 134, 117, 62, 116, 80, 151, 18, 132, 187,
101, 235, 208, 74, 78, 214, 66, 59, 71, 171, 124, 167, 217,
157, 36, 194, 156, 12, 50, 239, 185, 230, 253, 38, 107, 106,
149, 194, 39, 214, 35, 245, 58, 216, 250, 225, 150, 170, 26,
241, 153, 133, 173, 197, 194, 27, 127, 56, 77, 119, 242, 26,
252, 168, 61, 221, 44, 76, 128, 69, 27, 203, 6, 173, 193, 179,
69, 27, 243, 36, 185, 181, 157, 41, 23, 72, 113, 40, 209, 46,
189, 63, 167, 156, 148, 118, 76, 153, 91, 40, 179, 180, 245,
193, 123, 180, 47, 115, 220, 191, 148, 245, 116, 32, 194, 232,
55, 13, 0, 217, 52, 116, 21, 48, 244, 17, 222, 26, 240, 31,
236, 199, 237, 94, 255, 93, 137, 192,